by Elena Venturini (IAS TUM), Ilja Doršner (University of Split), Michele Tammaro (Jožef Stefan Institute), Nicolás Bernal

Seminarska soba za fiziko (IJS)

Seminarska soba za fiziko


Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana

The trilateral meetings are a series of one day events designed to strengthen the scientific relations in particle, astroparticle physics and cosmology between Trieste, Nova Gorica and Ljubljana.

Because of the travel restrictions, this meeting will be in hybdrid format. Speaker will be live at the IJS, while the audience is both live and remote on Zoom. The Zoom link is here.

The program:

  • 10.00-10.35 Ilja Doršner (University of Split): "Novel Leptoquark Pair Production @LHC”.
  • 10.45-11.20 Elena Venturini (TUM-IAS Munich): "Electric dipole moments at one-loop in the dimension-6 SMEFT"
  • Lunch break
  • 14.00-14.35 Nicolas Bernal (Antonio Narino University, Bogota): "QCD Axion Kinetic Misalignment: Observational Aspects"
  • 15.00-15.35 Michele Tammaro (IJS): "Learning the composition of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays"

The venue is in the great lecture hall at the Jožef Stefan Institute, first floor, main building.

Organizing committee:

  • Miha Nemevšek (IJS)
  • Andrea Romanino (SISSA)
  • Lorenzo Ubaldi (INFN)
  • Gabrijela Zaharijas (UNG)

Past meetings


Organized by

Jožef Stefan Institute