Apr 5 – 7, 2023
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UL
Europe/Ljubljana timezone


What are supercomputers, why do we need them, how they are used?

Apr 5, 2023, 1:00 PM
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UL

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UL

Aškerčeva cesta 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


What are supercomputers, why do we need them, how they are used?

  • Janez Povh (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
  • Leon Kos (UL FS)

What are supercomputers, why do we need them, how they are used?

  • Leon Kos (UL FS)
  • Janez Povh (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)


What is a shared memory computer? The concept architecture and real hardware.
Introducing the participants to modern hardware, HPCs.
Using HPC-FS and NoMachine desktop.

Presentation materials

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