Na delavnici se bodo udeleženci spoznali z uporabo superračunalnika HPCFS. Predstavljeno bo delovanje superračunalnika, dostop do HPCFS, pregledali bomo seznam razpoložljive programske opreme. Priporočeno je, da udeleženci delavnice predhodno pridobijo uporabniški račun za HPCFS.
Superračunalnik, ki je na voljo na UL FS (imenujemo ga HPC FS) je sestavljen iz dveh računskih sklopov. Sklop z imenom haswell, kupljen v 2016, vsebuje 20 računskih vozlišč z INTEL Xeon E5-2680 v3 procesorji, kar je skupno 480 računskih jeder. Sklop rome, kupljen v 2021, vsebuje 20 računskih vozlišč s procesorji AMD Epyc 7402, kar je skupno 1920 računskih jeder. Pomembne komponente HPCFS so še vozlišča z grafičnimi pospeševalniki (2x), prijavna vozlišča (2x) in datotečni strežniki LUSTRE in NFS s skupnim neto spominom 271 TB. Posamezne komponente so med sabo povezane z IB QDR povezavo.
Zahtevnost: Osnovna
Jezik: Glede na prijave
Priporočeno predhodno znanje: Osnove dela v Linux ukazni vrstici (Bash, SSH)
Ciljna publika: Zaposleni na Fakulteti za strojništvo, raziskovalci, študenti in
projektni sodelavci, ki imajo pred začetkom delavnice odobren dostop do HPC.
Na izobraževanju pridobljena znanja:
• Povezovanje s superračunalnikom preko NoMachine in SSH
• Prenos in shranjevanje podatkov na superračunalniku
• Kako zagnati in uporabljati programsko opremo na superračunalniku
Potek delavnice: Virtualno - na tematiko dela s superračunalnikom. Uporabljen bo tudi oddaljen dostop do HPCFS.
Lokacija: Videokonferenčni sistem Zoom:
Meeting ID: 836 5882 8570
Passcode: 984749
Univerza v Ljubljani |
Dr. Pavel Tomšič
He is a research assistant at ULFME and is well qualified for several HPC related topics. He is actively involved in efforts to raise competencies in the field of supercomputing, such as the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE). He is also coordinator of Erasmus + project SCtrain - a strategic partnership for the transfer of knowledge from supercomputing between Slovenia, Austria, the Czech Republic and Italy. As part of the EuroHPC project for the establishment of European National Competence Centers in the field of supercomputing (EuroCC), he is the champion for Training and Skills Developmentfor NCC Slovenia.
Dr. Leon Kos
He is an assistant professor at ULFME and is well qualified for several HPC related topics.He is a qualified trainer from the HLRS train-the-trainers program and was the keydeveloper of PRACE MOOC Managing Big Data with R and Hadoop. He has been the leaderof PRACE Summer of HPC trainings in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. He is also Slovenian holder of several national and international projects.
E-naslov: leon.kos@fs.uni-lj
Dr. Janez Povh
He is an associate professor at ULFME with a long track of teaching duties at university (a former Dean at Faculty of Information studies in Novo Mesto, Slovenia). With mathematical background he is a specialist in Big Data methods and their implementation in Hadoop and RHadoop. Beside this he is a well experienced with creating and implementing parallel algorithms for mathematical optimization problems. He is one of the leading educators in
PRACE MOOC Managing Big Data with R and Hadoop. He is also Slovenian holder of several national and international projects.
Dr. Borut Černe
He is a research assistant employed at ULFME. His research work so far has mainly focused on thermomechanical modeling of homogeneous and composite polymers based on the finite element method for use in gear applications. In addition to analytical / numerical modeling, he has extensive experience in experimental testing of polymers and other non-metallic materials. He is currently involved in several research and knowledge
dissemination projects related to the use of HPCs in the field of mechanical engineering. Part of his duties at ULFME also includes the teaching work of an assistant related to CAD/CAE. In addition, he is involved in various research and development industrial projects.
Grega Tomažin
Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Ljubljani