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These are HGTD-IJS group meeting pages
F9 internal database:
- Ship switching matrices to USTC (8 ch) and IHEP (16 ch). Erik has to fix ADC bug on 16 ch. first
- Continue with setup commissioning
- Advertise a Master's thesis on PQC
- Format of the 14-char ATLAS ID is finalized. ATLAS ID will be assigned by manufacturers and we will access it via database.
- Waiting for ATLAS-ID for tested preproduction samples before uploading in the database
- Received lots of samples from IHEP W2 & W3 - we damaged some, careful handling required
- Measure standard IT on 3 + 3 unirradiated samples + IV/CV - remeasure outliers
- Also 1 timing measurement per wafer with one of the above samples
- The 3+3 samples will be used for overirradiation (points 15e14, 30e14, etc.)
- Implement data quality monitoring procedure to spot outliers quickly
- Calibration of timing setup with Am241 + HPK W32 + SCruz Board 9 done for 140-180 V - correlation with Sr90 has to be done
- Explore options to improve trigger purity
- Correlate TCT vs timing: GainTCT100V vs. ChargeAtXVolts - needs to be done now!!! (BH)
Long term stability:
- Will be done on UBM-ed samples
- 2+2+2 (0e14, 15e14, 25e14)
- Limits of HV ramp-up speed
- Autorship policy for ATLAS preproduction needs to be agreed by steering commitee
- HPK HAB can be started. Need information from HPK about HAB meaning
- IT QC test paper: can be started
- Try Edge-TCT on QCTS: polishing, optics to be explored. The goal is to measure E-field/gain, also helpful to NIKHEF/Nijmegen HGTD performance simulation (QT Petja)