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These are HGTD-IJS group meeting pages
F9 internal database:
HGTD sample inventory:
HGTD production database:
- van der Pauw measurements: Ke220 current source + 6517 Voltmeter configuration.
- Writing driver for Ke220
- Voltage measurement with Ke6517 off by a factor 2 --> need to check
- Check with database managers how to upload Sr90 measurements
- Test HV sparking in hybrids (parylene coating required or not?)
- Iskra QT final report - presentation + 2 notes (based on IT paper + accpetance procedure for IME, need to be submitted)
- Voltage steps 400, 450, 500, 550 V, (600 V)
- Check PMT
Long term stability:
- USTC samples received (check also for Co60 mounting)
Flex Tails:
- Waiting for Elgoline quote
- Prepare samples for TID
- Autorship policy for ATLAS HGTD: projects funded with CERN core money have FIRST AUTHOR + FULL HGTD author list
- HPK HAB first version completed - BH submitted comments - check what KEK (Koji Nakamura) has presented so far
- IT QC test paper: first version completed.
- Try Edge-TCT on QCTS: polishing, optics to be explored. The goal is to measure E-field/gain, also helpful to NIKHEF/Nijmegen HGTD performance simulation (QT Petja)
- 3D RD50 samples: AidaInnova testbeam (DESY Feb2024, SPS Jun2024 Aug2024 Oct2024). Analysis meeting: AIDAInnova 15 March
- AIDAInnova testbeam analysis: Oct2024 data received, need to discuss at AIDAInnova meeting 15 November about viability of DRD3 talk (eff IPd)
Summer student projects:
- SiC TCT with RD50 CNM - Ajda Osterman
- DC AC TCT for defect studies (start Top-TCT IR with W317, next irradiated, next E-TCT). Try also red light - Marko
- weighting field simulation in HGTD pixel corner
- 3d measurements with TCT+Sr90 (use LGAD for time reference)
- 3d in photovoltaic mode