
CERN 70 - Public Lecture: From Subatomic to Superheroes: Particle Physics and Possibilities / Od subatomskega do superjunakov: fizika delcev in njene priložnosti

by Mike Lamont (CERN)

Europe/Ljubljana (Center ROG)

Center ROG

Trubarjeva 72, 1000 Ljubljana

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Govorili bomo, kako je stremenje k razumevanju najmanjših gradnikov vesolja pripeljalo do prelomnih odkritij in tehnološkega napredka. Spomnili se bomo nekaj pomembnih mejnikov v delovanju Evropskega laboratorija za fiziko delcev CERN, od rojstva svetovnega spleta do odkritja Higgsovega bozona. Predstavili bomo najsodobnejše eksperimente, ki oblikujejo naše razumevanje vesolja, in kako ti vplivajo na širšo družbo.

We’ll explore how the quest to understand the smallest components of the universe has led to groundbreaking discoveries and technological advancements. This talk will recall some of CERN's significant milestones, from the birth of the World Wide Web to the discovery of the Higgs boson, and discuss the cutting-edge experiments that have help shape our understanding of the cosmos and how they can have wider impact on society.

Mike Lamont, Director for Accelerators and Technology (Biography)