3–5 Dec 2024
Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

SLING Service Portfolio

4 Dec 2024, 09:50
Šubic 1+2 (Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons)

Šubic 1+2

Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons

Pot za Brdom 4, 1000 Ljubljana


Jan Jona Javoršek (Jožef Stefan” Institute)


On overview of the core services provided by SLING as the Slovenian EuroHPC National Competence Centre will serve to round up the presentation of SLING and it biggest HPC system. Our activities centre on getting individual users, research groups, development teams and companies up and using the infrastructure as soon as possible, but we will also present the kinds of access modes and support that we can offer and where to get advanced support by domain experts in Slovenia or in the EuroHPC ecosystem at large.

Jan Jona Javoršek works in digital humanities, computational linguistics and has contributed in distributed computing initiatives, the establishment of the Slovenian National Supercomputing Network SLING, EOSC initiatives and EuroHPC projects, such as HPC Vega and MaX Centre of Excellence.

Presentation materials