- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
These are HGTD-IJS group meeting pages
F9 internal database:
HGTD sample inventory:
- van der Pauw measurements: Ke220 current source + Ke2000 Voltmeter configuration -> will be installed in the next days
- Upload of Sr90 results --> Contact Guilherme about the progress
- Test HV sparking in hybrids (parylene coating required or not?) --> one of the hybrids survives 700 V (670 V on sensor, 30 V on bias resistor), one hybrid died at 730 V (700 V). Want to ship them to IFAE for forensics (Gamma spectrometry on Monday)
- Iskra QT final report - presentation + 2 notes (review ongoing)
- Acceptance criteria separate for IHEP and USTC -> new plots in paper draft
- 4+4 IHEP&USTC main sensors received from RBI for Co60 (0.5, 1, 2x 1.5 MGy) -> send to USTC after Trento, plan hybridization
- HGTD week talk: IT status (accpetance criteria), LTS, sparking
- Voltage steps 400, 450, 500, 550 V, (600 V)
- Check PMT
Long term stability:
- USTC 0e14, 15e14, 2x25e14
- 15e14 was initially noisy above 300 V. Swapped 25e14 and 15e14 on DAQ boards, now both look okay (360 V & 500 V)
Flex Tails:
- Lucia prepared production sharing document
- Autorship policy for ATLAS HGTD: projects funded with CERN core money have FIRST AUTHOR + FULL HGTD author list
- HPK HAB first version completed - BH submitted comments - check what KEK (Koji Nakamura) has presented so far
- IT QC test paper: first version completed.
- HGTD testbeam paper will require Sr90 data