Participants: MM, CL, HK, NC, JO, AS, GL,
Horizon 2020 Projects
Silicon corona proposal
Gabriela presented compilation of possible WPs and project partners (available at Indico )
As possible partners we will contact:
La Fe Hospital (already contacted) – independent partner?
SINTEF (MM + PW) – SME partner
Malmo (or other as suggested by Soren) (DZ)
Other possible partners:
Mediso may be a problem due to conflict with the Spanish company providing the PET system. Gabriela will check that by next week.
DE.TEC.TOR – depends on the decision regarding Mediso.
Scivis – Should consult Neal on how much added value they would bring.
We will have development of a new chip as part of the project and pay OSU to do it.
Harris warned that SMEs may have different approaches to financial calculations than research institutions so people responsible for contract and financial aspects should get included into discussions at an early stage.
Dejan prepared an layman overview of the situation regarding development of brain PET radiopharmaceuticals. It is available at
Andrej "reformulated" the Valencia draft proposal according to the Horizon guidelines. The draft is available at
Fluoroscopy proposal
Si drift detectors
could be used to reduce the number of channels significantly (factor of 1000). Depletion voltage is 4 times lower if you deplete from both sides, can have thicker detectors. Need double sided processing for segmentation on both sides. Marko is inquiring about the price.
Date & time of the next meetings:
CIMA meeting on Thu. 26. 6. 2014 14:30 CET/8:30 EST
Meeting with Christoph on Tuesday 24. 6. at 14:00 CET/8:00 EST
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