Program will cover many topics in the field of flavor and precision physics: CP Violation, Spectroscopy, Semileptonic decays, Heavy Hadron Properties, Beyond Standard Model, Kaon Physics, Heavy Hadron Production, Rare Decays, Charm Physics, New and Upgraded Facilities,...
Attendance from early career-scientists who wish to present a poster to showcase their research is strongly encouraged. A poster session will be organized at the conference to allow attendees to study the posters and discuss with the presenters. Anyone showing a poster will be requested to provide a brief written contribution in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the conference. Furthermore, one (or more prizes) will be awarded for the best poster(s), which will also entail a short oral presentation.
Attendance from early career-scientists who wish to present a poster to showcase their research is strongly encouraged. A poster session will be organized at the conference to allow attendees to study the posters and discuss with the presenters. Anyone showing a poster will be requested to provide a brief written contribution in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the conference. Furthermore, one (or more prizes) will be awarded for the best poster(s), which will also entail a short oral presentation.