September 16, 2021
Zoom Meeting
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

SLO: Tečaj je organiziran v sklopu projekta EuroCC – Nacionalni kompetenčni center HPC. Organizira ga Fakulteta za informacijske študije v Novem mestu v Sloveniji. Po koncu tečaja bodo študenti poznali osnove uporabe ukazne vrstice v operacijskih sistemih UNIX. Študenti bodo tako spoznali uporabo Shell-a, znali bodo ustvarjati in izvrševati bash-skripte, uporabljati putty in razumeti ter uporabiti princip tuneliranja. Na koncu pa se bodo naučili porabljati tudi arcrunner.

ENG: This course is a EuroHPC training event. It is organized by the Faculty of information studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia. At the end of this course the students will know the basics of using the command line in UNIX-like operating systems. In particular, students will know how to use the Shell, create and execute bash scripts, use putty and understand and use tunneling principle.

Organizator / Organizer

Zoom Meeting
Registration for this event is currently open.