February 28, 2022
Zoom Meating
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

ENG: This course is a EuroHPC training event. It is organized by the Faculty of information studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia. At the end of this course the students will learn how to use python and specific libraries for data management and machine learning. In particular, students will know how to use Scipy, Scikit-learn, pandas, and tensor flow to create learning algorithms create and execute them on HPC.


SLO: Tečaj je organiziran v sklopu projekta EuroCC – Nacionalni kompetenčni center HPC. Organizira ga Fakulteta za informacijske študije v Novem mestu v Sloveniji. Po koncu tečaja bodo študenti poznali osnove uporabe pythona in specifične knjižnice za upravljanje podatkov in strojno učenje. Študenti bodo spoznali uporabo programskih ogrodij kot so Scipy, Scikit-learn, pandas in tensor flow, s katerimi se bodo naučili ustvarjati učnih algoritmov in jih izvrševati na HPC-ju.

Organizator/ Organizer

Zoom Meating
Registration for this event is currently open.