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Target audience/Ciljna publika
The target audience are postgraduate students and researchers of natural and technical sciences, engineers from industry who require skills for usage of python on a supercomputer.
Delavnica je namenjena študentom podiplomskega študija, raziskovalcem naravoslovnih in tehniških smeri in industijskim inženirjem.
Prerequisite knowledge/Predznanje
For the hands-on sessions, a basic knowledge of python would be beneficial.
Priporočljivo je predznanje pythona.
Skills to be gained/Pridobljena znanja
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Use specific python libraries for machine learning,
- Prepare a python program for submission on a HPC,
- Execution of a program on HPC.
Na koncu delavnice bodo študenti zmožni:
- uporabljati specifičen python libraries za strojno učenje,
- pripraviti python program za oddajo na HPC-ju,
- izvrševati programe na HPC-ju.