Sep 28 – 29, 2022
Europe/Ljubljana timezone


Fortran is a programming language specifically designed for heavy number crunching with native support for multidimensional arrays. Parallel programming is the process of employing a set of computing resources to solve a problem in less time by dividing the work between them. The goal of the course is to familiarize the participants with the basics of parallel programming with shared and distributed memory in the programming language Fortran.


  • Day 1
  • Introduction to parallel programming; computer architectures with shared and distributed memory
  • Parallel programming with distributed memory
  • MPI (Message Passing Interface)
  • "Point-to-point" operations
  • Day 2
  • collective operations
  • Parallel I/O
  • Advanced MPI-2 / MPI-3 concepts
  • Parallel programming with shared memory: OpenMP
  • Parallel programming for hybrid systems: MPI + OpenMP

Target audience: 

This is an introductory workshop aimed at students, researchers, and engineers.


Personal computer equipped with a SSH client to access the supercomputer, basic knowledge of programming in Fortran or other programming language (C/C++ or Python).

The workshop is a part of the EuroCC Twinning activities between the Slovak and Slovenian National Competence Centers. It is organized by the Computing Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.