October 11, 2022
Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons
Europe/Ljubljana timezone


Odprta znanost v Evropskem raziskovalnem prostoru (ERA) in v Evropskem oblaku odprte znanosti (EOSC)

Oct 11, 2022, 9:20 AM


Moderator: Peter Volasko (Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport)

Michel Schouppe (Evropska komisija): EOSC and Open science in ERA and EOSC

Ute Gunsenheimer / Karel Luyben (EOSC Association): Introduction to EOSC and the implementation of national Web of FAIR data (i.e., national EOSC) in Netherlands

Gregor Majdič (Univerza v Ljubljani): Importance of open and FAIR research results for reforming research assessment

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