26 October 2023
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Description: Scientific and math software is written in C/C++ which often requires longer development time when combining a larger set of such libraries. To better utilize such libraries it is often convenient to interface them to a modern interpreted language such as Python. We will learn how to bind C/C++ code in Python 3, starting by creating a Python object that will utilize one of the standard C/C++ containers, the vector. Continuing we will then take an existing C/C++ library and prepare it to be called from Python. Finally we will demonstrate a workflow where two different libraries are combined in a single Python 3 script.

Workflow: The training is live, in the afternoon. The workshop will combine lecture and practical parts, where your own laptop suffices (however, if needed, we can also make use of the NSC Cluster at the Jožef Stefan Institute (as an educational member of SLING))

Skills to be gained:

  • identifying useful libraries, and how to combine them in a workflow
  • basics of libraries for Python
  • binding C/C++ libraries in Python


Target audience: The workshop is intended for beginners and more experienced people interested in utilizing C/C++ code from Python

Prerequisite knowledge: Basic knowledge of Linux, The terminal, Python and C/C+

Language: English

Maximum number of participants: 15

Duration: 26. 10. 2023, 13.0017.00 

Location: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana               Room J21



University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics




Ime:Luka Leskovec





Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Jadranska 19, Ljubljana
There is an open survey.