Jun 10 – 14, 2024
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Topics and Lecturers


"Standard Model and beyond".  Lecturer: Yuval Grossman (Cornell U.). 

"Axion theory ".  Lecturer: Giovanni Villadoro (ICTP, Trieste). Trainer: Rudin Petrossian-Byrne (ICTP, Trieste)  

"Axions in early universe and cosmo bounds". Lecturer: Benjamin Safdi (UC Berkley). Trainer: Toby Opferkuch (SISSA) 

"WISPs and gamma-ray astrophysics". Lecturer: Francesca Calore (LAPTh-CNRS, Annecy). Trainer: Christopher Eckner (Nova Gorica Univ.)

"Axions searches in colliders". Lecturer: Jure Zupan (UC Cincinnati) . Trainer: Michele Tammaro (INFN, Firenze)

"Topics in science communication". Lecturer: Dunja Fabjan (FMF, Ljubljana)