January 18, 2024
Virtual: Zoom
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Description: In this workshop, participants will learn how to access the UL FS HPC system, how to start R on this system, how to clone a prepared project from GITHUB, and how to perform advanced data management with R by utilising all parallel programming R libraries and available supercomputing resources.


  • Connecting to HPC@UL
  • Running R and Rstudio
  • Cloning prepared project form GITHUB
  • Standard data management operations on data frames
  • Data management with dplyr, magrit


  • Data manipulations with apply functions apply, lapply, sapply, vapply, tapply, and mapply 
  • Big Data management with function for efficient parallel loops parLapply, parSapply, mcLapply and foreach-dopar
  • Big data management and analysis with library Rmpi
  • Creating slurm jobs for parallel big data management and analysis with R



The workshop will take place virtually via the Zoom system, and remote access to HPCFS will also be used.

Skills to be gained:

  • Connecting to a supercomputer via NoMachine and SSH
  • Transferring and storing data on a supercomputer
  • How to run and use software on a supercomputer


Target audience: Every researcher and data scientist who has some basic knowledge in R and wants to upgrade this knowledge in the direction of HPC

Prerequisite knowledge: Basics from linux and R

Difficulty: Intermediate

Language: According to applications

Maximum number of participants: /

Duration: 18.01.2024, 13:00 - 16:00

Virtual location: Zoom




Dr. Pavel Tomšič
He is a research assistant at ULFME and is well qualified for several HPC related topics. He is actively involved in efforts to raise competencies in the field of supercomputing, such as the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE). He is also coordinator of Erasmus + project SCtrain - a strategic partnership for the transfer of knowledge from supercomputing between Slovenia, Austria, the Czech Republic and Italy. As part of the EuroHPC project for the establishment of European National Competence Centers in the field of supercomputing (EuroCC), he is the champion for Training and Skills Developmentfor NCC Slovenia.

E-naslov: pavel.tomsic@fs.uni-lj.si

Dr. Leon Kos
He is an assistant professor at ULFME and is well qualified for several HPC related topics.He is a qualified trainer from the HLRS train-the-trainers program and was the keydeveloper of PRACE MOOC Managing Big Data with R and Hadoop. He has been the leaderof PRACE Summer of HPC trainings in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. He is also Slovenian holder of several national and international projects.
E-naslov: leon.kos@fs.uni-lj

Dr. Janez Povh
He is an associate professor at ULFME with a long track of teaching duties at university (a former Dean at Faculty of Information studies in Novo Mesto, Slovenia). With mathematical background he is a specialist in Big Data methods and their implementation in Hadoop and RHadoop. Beside this he is a well experienced with creating and implementing parallel algorithms for mathematical optimization problems. He is one of the leading educators in
PRACE MOOC Managing Big Data with R and Hadoop. He is also Slovenian holder of several national and international projects.

E-naslov: janez.povh@fs.uni-lj.si

Virtual: Zoom
Registration for this event is currently open.
There is an open survey.