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These are HGTD-IJS group meeting pages
F9 internal database:
- IV/CV on LGAD similar to CERN results
- IV/CV on PIN is LGAD-like. Did we mix up the cables? Is there a bad connection (use Sao Paulo adapter card?)
- MOSCAP + other structures to be measured
- Switching matrix and decoupling relays to be implemented
- We need to start using ATLAS-IDs
- Received 2nd batch of UBM-ed samples (2 wafers IHEP, 2 wafers USTC, 5 samples/wafer)
- unirradiated IV/CV + TCT done on all. Timing done on one sample per wafer (verify results)
- prepare samples for irradiation to 25e14 (2-3 samples per wafer)
- Explore options to improve trigger purity
- Improve cold box insulation to reach lower T (damaged by a thermal runaway months ago)
Long term stability:
- All setup pieces available
- 1+1+2 (0e14, 15e14, 25e14) sensors available - to be bonded
- Climate chamber is booked
- Autorship policy for ATLAS preproduction needs to be agreed by Steering/Speakers committee
- HPK HAB ongoing. Need information from HPK about HAB meaning
- IT QC test paper: needs to be started
- Try Edge-TCT on QCTS: polishing, optics to be explored. The goal is to measure E-field/gain, also helpful to NIKHEF/Nijmegen HGTD performance simulation (QT Petja)
- 3D RD50 samples: testbeam done at desy AIDAInnova - Feb Week 4. Prepare for analysis