- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
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- Indico Weeks View
These are HGTD-IJS group meeting pages
New time slot: Friday 8.15 - 9.00 (45 minutes max)
F9 internal database:
- IV/CV done with probe card:
- Different connection schemes tested - results OK up to geometric capacitance (12 pF instead of 5 pF)
- We will adopt CERN connection scheme - only PIN & 1x1 LGAD guard rings, grounded only during IV
- Switching matrix and decoupling relays have been implemented
- 2 samples (1 IHEP and 1 USTC) tested - MOSCAP in USTC to be checked again
TODO: Van der Pauw measurements
Status report at HGTD sensor meeting
- We need to start using ATLAS-IDs
- Check how uploading one structure multiple times works
- Application for CERN IRRAD done (starts mid-April). Prepare 20 QCTS and one full sensor
- Neutron irradiation of UBM-ed samples done, stored at TRIGA: 1.5e15 (2 samples/wafer), 2.5e15 (2 S/W), 1.5e15-->2.5e15 (=+1e15, 2 V1R5 samples), 1.5e15-->3e15 (=+1.5e15, 2 V1R5 samples)
- Explore options to improve trigger purity
Long term stability:
- Setup assembled - start testing next week
- One test board prepared (0e15 + 1.5e15)
- Autorship policy for ATLAS preproduction needs to be agreed by Steering/Speakers committee
- HPK HAB ongoing. Need information from HPK about HAB meaning
- IT QC test paper: ongoing
- Try Edge-TCT on QCTS: polishing, optics to be explored. The goal is to measure E-field/gain, also helpful to NIKHEF/Nijmegen HGTD performance simulation (QT Petja)
- 3D RD50 samples: testbeam done at desy AIDAInnova - Feb Week 4. Prepare for analysis. AIDAInnova meeting on 15 March.