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These are HGTD-IJS group meeting pages
F9 internal database:
HGTD sample inventory:
PRR to-do tables:
- For Sensor meeting:
- we don't know the ATLAS-IDs of USTC samples (unsure about batch number and sensor orientation) and we do not know how to get this from the database
- parameter extraction in PQC does not seem to work correctly (wrong Vgl and Vfd, oxide thickness is also 100 um which is way too much)
- is it possible to implement database upload "history" for each sample (access older uploads)?
- when do we expect the remaining 10 IHEP-IME wafers
- ping FNAL about irradiation status
- ping HGTD Speakers committee about Authorship rules
- van der Pauw measurements (measurement at single bias, typical values: I=10 mA, R=20/0.6/0.01 Ohm):
Install Ke6517 (force V, measure I) and try to implement it in the DAQ and analysis
- Uploading one structure multiple times: latest upload is shown in the database
- Received 5 final preproduction wafers from USTC (5x QCTS/wafer, 2 main sensors). Irradiation on 13 May (QCTS 1x 15e14, 2x 25e14, Main 1x 15e14, 1x 25e14)
- Received 9 IHEP wafers (still waiting for 10 other). Irradiation on 23 May, same as USTC)
- CERN IRRAD: 11 samples (2x 4e14, 2x 8e14, 2x 12e14 neq/cm2). DB Status "in preparation (17 May)". Prepare few full sensors when available
- 8 samples shipped to FNAL 400 MeV proton irradiation (0e14, 4e14, 8e14, 12e14 - 2 per fluence) - status?
- Ship 2+2 irrad main sensors IHEP to CERN for hybridization with ACF
Plan up to PRR:
- Preproduction samples expected after 6 May - 19 wafers IHEP + 5 wafers USTC (5 samples/wafer)
- Irradiation (2xEoL, 1x15e14 per wafer) - expect samples to return by 20 May
- 21 May is Iskra's thesis topic defense - done
- 5-12 June is AidaInnova testbeam at SPS
- 17 June is start of the DRD3 workshop. Need to complete as many measurements as possible by then.
- 18 work days between those dates - we need to measure 24 samples after EoL fluence (1 sample per wafer) with TCT and Sr90 and define acceptance criteria
- Voltage steps 400, 450, 500, 550 V, (600 V)
- generate charge vs Ileak plots and add data into the database
- ghost hit rate: ongoing
Long term stability:
- TODO with USTC
- Autorship policy for ATLAS preproduction is not yet clarified
- HPK HAB first version completed - BH submitted comments
- IT QC test paper: first version completed. Need an ATLAS note by PRR
- Try Edge-TCT on QCTS: polishing, optics to be explored. The goal is to measure E-field/gain, also helpful to NIKHEF/Nijmegen HGTD performance simulation (QT Petja)
- 3D RD50 samples: AidaInnova testbeam (DESY Feb2024, SPS Jun2024). Analysis meeting: AIDAInnova 15 March
Summer student projects:
- SiC TCT will be delivered from CNM within RD50
- CdZnTe TCT with 832 nm - quick test done on a single pixel, no signals observed front or back
- DC AC TCT for defect studies
- weighting field simulation in HGTD pixel corner
- 3d measurements with TCT+Sr90