
Five-flavour scheme predictions for ttbb at next-to-leading order accuracy

by Tetiana Moskalets (Southern Methodist University, Dallas)

C/0-C084 - F9 seminarska soba (Jamova)

C/0-C084 - F9 seminarska soba



Top quark pair production in association with a bottom quark pair is pivotal for probing the fundamental interactions of the Standard Model. At the LHC, ttbb production serves as a significant background process across various high-energy phenomena, for instance, associated production of the Higgs boson (decaying into bottom quarks) with a top quark pair, as well as the four-top quark production. Therefore, precise Monte-Carlo simulation of the ttbb process is of crucial importance.

In this talk, I will first give a quick introduction into the primary theoretical frameworks used for simulating the ttbb process, the five-flavour scheme (5FS) and the four-flavour scheme (4FS), and how the two approaches compare. Then, I will discuss 5FS computation of ttbb production in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO generator employing the FxFx merging scheme for the tt+jets process with up to 2 jets at NLO accuracy. I will also introduce a feature that has recently become available in MadGraph5, that allows to enhance the b-jet selection efficiency and thus, addresses the issue of significant computational resources needed to generate a 5FS ttbb sample of a sufficient statistical power.

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Miha Muskinja

HEP Seminar: Tetiana Moskalets
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Borut Paul Kersevan
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