3–5 Dec 2024
Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

The EPICURE project – a case study

4 Dec 2024, 11:40
Šubic 1+2 (Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons)

Šubic 1+2

Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons

Pot za Brdom 4, 1000 Ljubljana


Žiga Zebec (Institut informacijskih znanosti Maribor)


The EPICURE project aims to strengthen support for HPC users in scaling and optimising code. EPICURE covers several key areas: code transformation for different architectures, performance analysis, business benchmarking, code transformation and optimisation. Samo will describe an example of a project that has already been optimised and achieved speedup on HPC Vega.

Dr. Žiga Zebec holds a master’s degree in microbial ecology, molecular microbiology and immunobiology and received his PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) for his dissertation on CRISPR systems. He has completed several trainings, PostDoc in the field of synthetic biology. More recently he received funding for the CellD-synBio project from the Ministry of Education and the EU Cohesion fund. Dr. Zebec has published several scientific papers, authored reviews, presented papers at international conferences and participated in EU-funded projects. In 2023 dr. Zebec joined the team of HPC Vega.

Presentation materials