3:55 PM
TIA and spin-offing
Margareta Pečaver Vidakovič
4:00 PM
An overview of financing in Slovenia - personal experience as a TT manager and entrepreneur
Simon Štrancar
(TehnoCenter Univerze v Mariboru)
4:10 PM
Business angels as a business model for slovene entrepreneurship
Blaž Kos
(Poslovni angeli, Ljubljana)
4:15 PM
The state as an entrepreneur: How do we support innovative entrepreneurs in their early stage?
Simona Grobelnik
(Slovenski podjetniški sklad)
4:20 PM
Pristop as a shaper of Slovene technology transfer reality
Andrej Drapal
4:25 PM
The mission and the mechanisms of RSG venture capital
Jure Mikuž
4:30 PM
IP as a TT promoter in Slovenia
Helena Valas
(Univerza v Ljubljani)
4:35 PM
Work in groups on financial plan for the selected technology (with the help of chosen experts)
Experts and Participants
5:15 PM
5 cases: presentation of financial plans with discussion
Experts and Participants