Oct 1 – 2, 2009
Jožef Stefan Institute
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Key elements in creating spin-offs: experiences from Leuven R&D

Oct 1, 2009, 11:45 AM
main lecture hall (Jožef Stefan Institute)

main lecture hall

Jožef Stefan Institute

Jamova 39 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia


Dr Rudi Cuyvers (Leuven R&D)


Leuven Research & Development, the technology transfer office of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), has a long tradition in technology transfer including starting and growing spin-offs. The presentation introduces the key elements in spin-off creation. The first part focuses on the importance of integrating the spin-off process within the larger framework of technology transfer. It is shown that an important cross fertilisation can be realised with the contract research and patenting & licensing activities. In the second part, the different steps in creating a spin-off are detailed: from research to proof-of-concept & IPR, developing a business plan, finding investors & completing the team, valuation & deal structuring. For each step the key challenges and success factors are discussed.

Primary author

Dr Rudi Cuyvers (Leuven R&D)

Presentation materials