Oct 1 – 2, 2009
Jožef Stefan Institute
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

The upgrading of globalization

Oct 1, 2009, 8:40 AM
main lecture hall (Jožef Stefan Institute)

main lecture hall

Jožef Stefan Institute

Jamova 39 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia


Prof. Lojze Sočan (Faculty of social sciences, University of Ljubljana)


The following issues will be briefly discussed: - The essence of the present systemic crisis, accompanied by the eco-, market-, and financial- fundamentalisms and the transformation towards the knowledge-based economy and society - Continuation of the hitherto structural changes, based on complex knowledge, technological advance, and innovation - Changing the concept: Upgrading the globalization by the institutional infrastructure supporting knowledge-based economy and society with sustainable development - The core of a modern and efficient innovation system - The growing delay of (the majority of) the EU development concept. Another half a decade?

Primary author

Prof. Lojze Sočan (Faculty of social sciences, University of Ljubljana)

Presentation materials