Oct 1 – 2, 2009
Jožef Stefan Institute
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Brief introduction of slovene financial experts

Oct 1, 2009, 2:10 PM
main lecture hall (Jožef Stefan Institute)

main lecture hall

Jožef Stefan Institute

Jamova 39 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia


Dr Špela Stres (Jožef Stefan Institute)


Slovene financial experts will be briefly introduced. They will participate in the financial part of the workshop (work in groups on the cases) and also give feedback on the selected cases presentations in the first part of the workshop. As a basis of submitted cases overview an example will be shown with explanation of reasons for public research organizations in Slovenia to organize such a workshop and awards.

Primary author

Dr Špela Stres (Jožef Stefan Institute)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.